Sunday Schedule: Worship in the Sanctuary at 9:00am and 10:30am. 9am service is also available via streaming video on the website, and also on Facebook Live at the Lutheran Church of the Cross - Nisswa page.
Holy Communion will be served each Sunday of the month.
A bulletin is posted online weekly that includes "News and Notes"with all vital information for the upcoming week. Our bulletin leads us through participation in the worship service (it's very user-friendly!) Our pastors and lay leaders guide us through the service of word, prayer and song that prepares us to go out and serve others with joyful hearts! A typical service includes the following:
Coffee Fellowship will be held each Sunday in the Celebration Center from 10:00am - 10:45am, with doughnuts and cookies will be available.
During June, July and August we worship outdoors in our Memorial Garden on the third Sunday of the month.
Check out our Facebook page by clicking here.
Wednesday Schedule: We eat supper and worship together on Wednesdays from September through May 8. Gathering in Celebration Center, we enjoy a more relaxed contemporary service which is led by our worship band. After worship, our Weds. programming occurs, which includes Route 56, Confirmation, A Time for Us, King's Kids, Bible in a Year Discussion Group and Sr. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday worship and programming goes on hiatus from mid-May through August.
Worship on Wednesday Schedule: 5:00pm Bible in a Year Discussion Group; 5:30pm Supper serving begins; 6pm King's Kids Rehearsal in Choir Rm; 6:20pm Worship Band led worship service in Celebration Center; 7pm all other programming.
Our theme for 2025 is, "Building on the Rock: The Foundation of Christ," Ephesians 2:19-22.
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday; 8:30am - 12noon on Friday
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 218-963-2564
Questions? Just stop in, call, or email us - we will get back to you as soon as we can. There's an information request form below that you can use as well! Be sure that you indicate what kind of information you'd like in the "Comment" section - for example:
Holy Communion will be served each Sunday of the month.
A bulletin is posted online weekly that includes "News and Notes"with all vital information for the upcoming week. Our bulletin leads us through participation in the worship service (it's very user-friendly!) Our pastors and lay leaders guide us through the service of word, prayer and song that prepares us to go out and serve others with joyful hearts! A typical service includes the following:
- Liturgy (following the liturgical seasons)
- Musical Offering (traditional and contemporary)
- Bible Readings & Gospel
- Sermon
- Hymns/Worship Songs
- Prayers
Coffee Fellowship will be held each Sunday in the Celebration Center from 10:00am - 10:45am, with doughnuts and cookies will be available.
During June, July and August we worship outdoors in our Memorial Garden on the third Sunday of the month.
Check out our Facebook page by clicking here.
Wednesday Schedule: We eat supper and worship together on Wednesdays from September through May 8. Gathering in Celebration Center, we enjoy a more relaxed contemporary service which is led by our worship band. After worship, our Weds. programming occurs, which includes Route 56, Confirmation, A Time for Us, King's Kids, Bible in a Year Discussion Group and Sr. Choir rehearsal. Wednesday worship and programming goes on hiatus from mid-May through August.
Worship on Wednesday Schedule: 5:00pm Bible in a Year Discussion Group; 5:30pm Supper serving begins; 6pm King's Kids Rehearsal in Choir Rm; 6:20pm Worship Band led worship service in Celebration Center; 7pm all other programming.
Our theme for 2025 is, "Building on the Rock: The Foundation of Christ," Ephesians 2:19-22.
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday; 8:30am - 12noon on Friday
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 218-963-2564
Questions? Just stop in, call, or email us - we will get back to you as soon as we can. There's an information request form below that you can use as well! Be sure that you indicate what kind of information you'd like in the "Comment" section - for example:
- Pastor Contact
- Prayer Request
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- LCC information (general or specific)
- Wedding/Funeral/Baptism
- Interest in membership